Cows drink lots of water. Monday evening our biggest cattle herd didn’t have any. With a long list of things that had to be done this week, getting water to the cows made its way to the top of that long list. Fixing the water problem turned into fixing a series of water problems. Fix one, find another. Ronnie and Brandon to the rescue again…
Read MoreLots of fun last weekend with family in the valley. We enjoyed some fresh tenderloin from a deer Amy’s brother harvested. Amy’s dad worked the whole time he was here, switching out light fixtures, building shelves, and fixing stuff around the house. He can do anything…
Read MoreTuesday’s steady soaking rain was a blessing we, and I’m sure many more, were thankful for. Rain. A blessing often taken for granted. As with most things, the greater the thirst, the greater the thanksgiving for its quenching. So many things to be thankful for. Things I don’t deserve. Things that are not guaranteed for tomorrow…
Read MoreInstead of Wendell Berry’s fictional stories about the Port William community, I started into one of his nonfictional writings “THE NEED TO BE WHOLE: Patriotism and the History of Prejudice.” Not very far into it, there’s a lot of good stuff said so far. This first quote I thought was especially profound, tying the big Ag food industry to the demise of patriotism. As more of society shifts away from knowing and working the land, the less patriotic our society becomes…
Read MoreSome of our laying hens started laying eggs this week. We weren’t expecting any eggs for another couple weeks. Pleasant surprise. The kids helped me put together the nesting boxes. They’re excited about checking for and gathering eggs. I’m wondering how long it will take for the excitement to wear off…
Read MoreWith chicken season behind us, we took advantage of the more flexible season and took off to Lake Norman in NC for a long weekend vacation with the George family. It was just what we needed. I don’t really have a longing to travel. There’s no place I’d rather be than Rich Valley, but it was nice to have a change of scenery. To get away, take a break, and just play and relax…
Read MoreAnother beautiful autumn week. The leaves seem to be peaking a week later than usual this year. It would suit me if the weather stays like this till spring. We mowed the yard, the cabins, and around the barn for what is likely the last time of the year. As the end of one season leads to the beginning of another, so it is in regards to our work on the farm…
Read More“The U.S. government has propagated this mindset with its cheap food policy. It wants to ensure that citizens have an abundant supply of cheap food. Notice I did not say nutrient-dense food. The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world, and yet its citizens are not healthy. Are farmers and ranchers to blame for all of this?…”
Read MoreAfter a four month break from burning wood, this week we fired the old outdoor wood stove back up. A warm house and hot showers for the whole family. We probably don’t have enough wood piled up to get us all the way through the winter, but we’re going into winter with the biggest pile we’ve had in a few years.
Read MoreOne of our New Year’s resolutions was to intentionally and regularly take an afternoon break from farming in order to do fun family things around here. Here it is beginning of October, and so far this year we have failed miserably at this resolution. I don’t guess we had a year’s worth of family fun this week, but we certainly made up for some lost time…
Read More“Finding those communities of people with like-minded values and developing those core strengths and capabilities that make you more resilient and don’t make you as dependent upon the latest policy that comes out… Build those sort of communities that add resilience, that make you less dependent. Because the more dependent you are upon a government, which is perfectly willing to tell you what to do and try to micromanage and control your life… the less likely you’re going to be in a position to be able to resist if you really need to. And that doesn’t just apply to a government. It applies to an entertainment industry. It applies to a food supply industry…”
Read MoreIt’s Amy here this week. It’s been a typical farm week. Running around filling orders, making delivers, squeezing in a bit of school, cleaning, cooking… I can’t tell you how many times lately people have told me that I’m going to miss this season of life. And you know what?
Read MoreHard rains and thunderstorms led to local power outages last Friday afternoon. No power also meant no juice on the electric fence for the pigs out in the woods. The power came back on late Friday night, but not before the pigs realized their opportunity to go exploring other parts of the farm…
Read MoreRecently, Hasten has made a conscious effort to see how much water he could carry. He’s proud of his progress as he should be. And he’s been aiming at improvement.
So how much can he carry? The tricky thing about pursuing your potential is that it requires toeing that thin line between what you can do and what you can’t do. You can’t know or realize your potential without…
Read MoreHard rains made more mud for the pigs and more mud for the kids. Not sure which enjoyed it more…
Read MoreSaturday was our biggest meat delivery day of the month. Amy took herd shares and pre-orders along with other beef, pork, and chicken to sell at the Abingdon Farmers Market while I delivered herd shares and pre-orders to the Marion Farmers Market.
Read MoreEggs and bacon in the frying pan
A cup of coffee in my right hand
And a kiss goodbye as I head out the door
Fire up that rusted out Chevrolet
Head to the field where I work all day
I don’t make a lot but know what I’m working for
Read MoreIt’s a fishing pole on a creek bank
A deep breath of mountain air
It’s sipping a cup of coffee
On the front porch rocking chair
Read MoreI’ve been working trying to make ends meet
But sometimes life gets the best of me
I’m trying hard, but I don’t know what else to do
Read MoreSomething’s gone wrong with this watch I’m wearing
It don’t work right; it must be tearing
Up cause it seems I never have time to
Go where I want or do what I want to do
Read More