Working and Praying

I’ve always believed in hard work. If I want something in life, working hard is the way to get it. If my work doesn’t yield the fruit I’m hoping for, working harder is the obvious answer. But sometimes our hard work isn’t enough. Sometimes working harder isn’t an option when you’re already giving it everything you’ve got. 

Then what? Pray. Saint Augustine said it best – “Pray as though everything depends on God. Work as though everything depends on you.” Instead of praying as a last resort, I should probably pray first. This doesn’t mean work less, but it would help me make sure my work is at least pointed in the right direction.

Work isn’t easy. Praying doesn’t make it any easier. But if we do our best with what we can control and work hard towards what’s important, we can trust God will take care of the things we can’t control. Maybe not the way we’d like, but definitely better in the long run. This is one I wrote several years ago.

Working and Praying

Will Campbell


I’ve been working trying to make ends meet

But sometimes life gets the best of me

I’m trying hard, but I don’t know what else to do

Lord I know I’m not a perfect man

But you know I do the best I can

To live an honest life and see my family through

Lord help me I can’t make it without you


Now the bills are high and the money’s low

When the rain don’t fall, the crops don’t grow

My well is running dry and there ain’t no end in sight

Not enough hours in the day

I keep working while life keeps slipping away

And I’m praying that things will turn out alright.


When times get hard, the harder I try

To keep my spirits up and my head held I high

I’m standing tall, but I’m afraid I’m about to break

Keep working is all I know to do

Do the best I can and leave it up to you

And keep praying for a way that you can make


I’ve been working trying to make ends meet

But sometimes life gets the best of me

I’m trying hard, but I don’t know what else to do

Lord I know I’m not a perfect man

But you know I do the best I can

To live an honest life and see my family through

Lord help me I can’t make it without you

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