Deeper In the Hole

Ever feel like your best efforts don’t give you the results you were hoping for? Not only that, sometimes my best efforts seem to make things worse. Ever feel like the harder you try, the more you dig yourself in a hole?

Then what? Do we throw our hands up? Quit trying? What else can we do but dig a little deeper. Try a little harder. Even if it doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere. Even if it seems to just make more of a mess.

We keep digging deeper because giving up is not an option. We keep digging deeper in hopes that our best efforts and failed attempts can somehow be turned into something good. Even if we don’t live to see it. 

This is one I wrote several years ago. For some reason it means a little more to me than most.


Deeper in the Hole

Will Campbell


A better life I’m trying to find

Everyday I lay it on the line

No matter how hard I might try

I can’t get out of this hole

I do my best to keep moving on

But every move I make goes wrong

This must be where I belong

So deeper down I go


Even if I try to climb

I fall down farther every time

I guess that’s just the way it is

And how it’s meant to be

Too late now to change my ways

This is me and how I’ll stay

I wasn’t made for backing down

I was made for digging deep


So I’ll keep digging deeper

Deeper in the hole

I guess I’m digging just to see

How far down I can go

Ain’t no turning back now

This is my only hope

The only life I know

Is digging deeper

In the hole


A hammer was made for driving nails

A train was made for riding rails

This shovel was made for digging

But it needs hands to be put in

My hands were made to put the shovel to work

Don’t know what’ll be made from this pile of dirt

But as for me I’ll sleep, wake up, and

Dig a little deeper again


I hope someday I’ll understand

And be the man I know I can

I hope someday I’ll see

Before my days come to an end

When the good Lord takes my shovel away

I hope I’m worn out from the sweat and the clay

And I hope he can take this pile of dirt

And give it new life again


So I’ll keep digging deeper

Deeper in the hole

I guess I’m digging just to see

How far down I can go

Ain’t no turning back now

This is my only hope

The only life I know

Is digging deeper

In the hole

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