On Down the Line

Sometimes we know where we want to go, but just can’t seem to get there, as hard as we may try.

Sometimes we realize that where we were trying so hard to get to is not really where we need to be going.

It’s one thing to change directions. To go from aiming at one thing to aiming at another. It’s another thing to not be sure what you’re even supposed to be aiming at.

I’m not sure what’s worse: going the wrong direction? Or having no direction at all?

This is one I wrote several years ago. It’s about the realization and disappointment that comes with pursuing the wrong direction. Followed by searching and praying for the right direction. It always takes a little light to see where we need to go and how to get there. There is no way forward without some light to help us see it. There is no light without a source. To know the way, we should seek the source of light.

“Seek and you will find.” – Matthew 7:7

“I am the light of the world.” – John 8:12


On Down the Line

Will Campbell


I got nothing in my pockets

I got nothing left to lose

I wish I had a dime

For every mile that’s on these shoes


Out here on the road now

With my thumb up in the air

I’ve got no place in mind

No, I’m just trying to get somewhere


I keep waiting for that something

Or someone to set me free

But I know down in my soul

There’s no one else to blame but me


This road that I’ve been walking down

Don’t lead where I should go

I know that I’m the one that got me here

But only you can get me home


I’m standing at the crossroads

Waiting on the rain

To let the storm come take me

And the wind blow me away


I’m looking for the answers

In words that ain’t been said

So Lord tell me there’s got to be

Some better place ahead


They say life is what you make it

Well I’ve made a mess of mine

Lord if you’ll show me the light, I’ll take it

And pass it on down the line

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