Press Snooze

Sometimes it takes trying to do too much to figure out what we actually can do. We can’t do everything. There was a time in life when I thought I could. It ran me ragged.

When I wrote this I was milking cows for a farm about 45 minutes away. I was trying to help my dad on the farm at his home place. I was also trying to start my own farm and cowherd. If that wasn’t enough, I was in hot pursuit of Miss Amy who was living in Knoxville. Needless to say, I wasn’t sleeping much. I didn’t think I needed to. Instead of resting what little bit I could when I got the chance, I would hang out with friends, writing songs and singing them all through the night. And it was all catching up with me. Leading to this song.

I wrote this at a time in life when I needed a break. From everything. God built a snooze button into Creation for us called the Sabbath. I was just too stubborn to take advantage of it and make it a priority.


Press Snooze

Will Campbell


My alarm clock it rings everyday before that rooster crows

I wish that I could just press snooze, but I know I’ve got to go


My day ain’t even started, and I’m already running behind

With everything I’ve got to do, I’ll never find the time


Always running on empty cause I never get enough rest

Can’t even spare a second to stop and catch my breath


A million different things to do, a million ways to run

A million miles an hour, still I never get it all done


Sometimes I wonder why I even care

Spinning around in circles but not getting anywhere


Always staying wound up with no way to unwind

If there’s light at the end of the tunnel, it’s getting pretty hard to find


Will I ever make it through this? Is there a way out of this mess?

I might not ever make it, but I’ll damn sure do my best


I wish life had a snooze button I could press

Then maybe I wouldn’t have to run myself to death


Always in a hurry going as fast as I can go

These callused hands and an aching back is all I have to show


Everything would all be better, everything would be alright

If I could just press snooze and find a way to take a break from life


If I could just press snooze

And find some way

To take a break

From life

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