Here I Stand

In a world that’s constantly changing, sometimes it’s hard to know where to stand, when to stand, or what’s worth standing for.

People are always standing for something. People’s stances change. Culture’s stances change. Should what we stand for change as the world changes? Perhaps. But perhaps there is something worth standing for that doesn’t change with the world.

I’m thankful for those who were willing to stand for freedom. Giving us the freedom to stand for what we believe.

I wrote this several years ago as I was wrestling with what’s worth standing for. Coming to the realization that the truth is always a good place to start. Truth doesn’t change based on how we feel about it. Truth doesn’t change based on public opinion or popularity. Therefore, where I stand should be guided by seeking the truth and being willing to stand in it.

Here I Stand

Will Campbell

This ole world is changing everyday

Everybody trying to find the easy way

We know we shouldn’t, yet we still go along

We try to find a way to stretch the truth

To justify these things we do

Bend that line that stands between right and wrong


Although it makes it hard to win

I do my best to not give in

I wasn’t raised to just go with the flow

I won’t just blend in with the crowd

I’ll stand my ground and I’ll stand it proud

Stand by the truth that deep inside I know


Here I stand

Right here where I’ve always stood

I try so hard

But I guess some things are never understood

Here I stand

Plant my feet through the bad and good

It might not end the way I think it should

But here I’ll stand

Right where I’ve always stood


Another stop sign along life’s road

Trying to figure out which way to go

The gate is wide down the pathway most would take

But I will not go down that route

Cause the easy path ain’t what it’s all about

But it’s always hard to know that narrow way


I don’t care what people think

I know the right road I must take

I’m sticking to my guns and I won’t give in

I will not lose sleep at night

I can live my life with my head held high

But I won’t live being blown around by the wind


Here I stand

Right here where I’ve always stood

I try so hard

But I guess some things are never understood

Here I stand

Plant my feet through the bad and good

It might not end the way I think it should

But here I’ll stand

Right where I’ve always stood

Will Campbell

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